CEZARS KITCHEN is involved in various specialized activities within the food service industry. Safety & Quality are of paramount importance and we are committed to protecting our customers, employees and the environment while ensuring we continually exceed customer quality expectations. Meeting this commitment is essential to our success and will be achieved as a result of:
- Maintaining a comprehensive safety & quality management system including procedures to ensure integrity, safety, hygiene, environment & quality aspects are included in the design, set-up, delivery of services, operation, and the maintenance of our facilities.
- Providing a safe & secure environment that will include the protection of our customers, visitors, contractors & employees.
- Complying with all applicable safety, health, environment, Food Code, laws, regulations in all countries we operate and apply responsible standards where laws and regulations are insufficient or absent.
- Reporting of ALL complaints, incidents & injuries in relation to customers, people, operations, or environment in a timely manner.
- Develop and implement appropriate response plans that will consider all applicable scenarios including natural calamities, food safety incidents, serious injury & ill health.
- Setting clear objectives, responsibilities, and accountability for safety & quality performance across all levels with routine measurement and reporting.
- Ensuring the appropriate training, supervision, information, and resources are provided to all employees and relevant interested parties to enable safety & quality objectives to be achieved.
- Establishing methods for identifying, reporting, and assessing areas of improvement, hazards and reducing risks to levels as low as are practicable by means of investigation, on-site routine inspections through compliance reviews.
- Managing our business with the goal to reduce any negative environmental impact and reduce food waste.
- Transparency in communicating with all consumers, employees and the community on matters that may impact safety & quality.
- Continually implement industry best practices and develop standards incorporating ISO (International Standards Organization), HACCP and similar principles to support our commitment to provide superior safety & quality of service for all our customers.
- Undertaking appropriate performance reviews, internal audits, and evaluations of operations to measure progress and drive continuous improvement in all aspects of customer service, safety & compliance.
The Head Office ensures that onsite operations are provided with adequate support to successfully comply with all elements of this policy. All levels of leadership, management and employees are expected to participate in and support the Safety & Quality efforts at Cezars Kitchen ensuring the protection of environment, assets, responsibility for their own safety and the safety of our customers together with delivering the best customer experience.