What is an Enzyme?

Only digestive Enzyme? 

Enzymes are proteins used by the body to increase or decrease the speed of chemical reactions. Though there are many different kinds of enzymes, we commonly think of the digestive enzymes because they make it possible for our body to break down and assimilate the foods we eat. A diet rich in enzymes can increase energy and stamina, as well as support weight loss, healthy skin, and overall good health. 

List of High Enzyme Foods 


Raw pineapples contain the enzyme bromelain. Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme. Besides contributing to the digestion of proteins, bromelain is a natural anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant. The highest concentration of bromelain is found in the stem of the pineapple, which is edible, though hardly palatable. Some bromelain is found in the pineapple fruit. Those looking to supplement with larger amounts can find a bromelain enzyme supplement at any health food store.


Sprouts are the seeds of many different types of grains. They are packed with nutrients and may contain more than 100 times more enzymes than fruits and vegetables. Sprouts are most concentrated with active enzymes when they are germinated. Germination requires soaking the seeds in water to allow them to sprout. Once activated, the live enzymes are potent health-promoting factors for proper digestion and overall wellness.


Nature wisely endowed all raw, natural foods with the proper enzymes for digestion. Seeds contain lipase, the enzyme that breaks down lipids or fats. Triglyceride fats are hydrolyzed to break the ester bonds, creating fatty acids and glycerol. Most fat is digested in the small intestine after bile from the gall bladder breaks large triglycerides into smaller units. The pancreas makes lipase; however, when dietary sources are deficient it puts added strain on this important organ. Roasting seeds destroys the live enzymes. Eat them raw for a healthy dose of essential enzymes.

Raw Fruits and Vegetables

Just as seeds contain lipase for fat digestion, fruits and vegetables contain enzymes to break down carbohydrates. Amylase is the main digestive enzyme for carbohydrate metabolism. It is present in our saliva, as digestion truly begins in the mouth. Amylase works to break carbohydrates into simpler sugars that can be used for energy and metabolism. Fruit and vegetable enzymes are devitalized by cooking above 118 degrees Fahrenheit. This means that steaming and microwaving destroys most of the enzymes, making foods harder to digest. Eating raw fruits and vegetables is a healthful way to improve overall digestion.





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